
Draft version of Reference framework for privacy and ethics for education data


Do you have questions about privacy and ethics when working with education data? The Safe and reliable use of education data zone currently releases the 0.8 draft version of the Reference Framework for Privacy and Ethics for Education Data available. The Reference Framework describes both the ethical principles and the legal (privacy) frameworks institutions should pay attention to when using education data responsibly.

This draft version of the Reference Framework has been drawn up under the direction of the zone. The text was created with input from stakeholders from various organisations at administrative, policy, and executive level. The current version is a draft version, therefore labeled 0.8. In the coming period we’ll test the Reference Framework and then draw up a final version that will be in line with the dilemmas, questions, and needs from the end users.

How can I contribute?

In order to test the Frame of Reference more broadly, we’re looking for institutions wanting to participate in a user group. In the use group, we’ll discuss the most important questions and dilemmas you encounter when applying the Reference Framework within your institution. We check the practical examples that are discussed against the Reference Framework. What works well and what doesn’t? What’s missing? What would help with the trade-offs?

To this end, we’re organising two meetings in which participants can exchange experiences and ask questions about the Reference Framework. We’ll process the input from the user group into a final version of the Reference Framework, which is expected to be released early 2022.

If you wish to join the user group, please sign up below. Depending on the popularity, we may have to apply a selection to the applications.

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