
EdTech Validation Lab 2020

EdTech Validation Lab 2020

Note: the EdTech Validation Lab 2020 was a project of the EdTech zone. The zone is now a working group with new members and new ambitions.

The second edition of the EdTech Validation Lab 2020 has started. The Validation Lab is a 10-week programme from the EdTech zone to help start-ups in areas such as product-market fit, team building and HR. Throughout the programme, start-ups have the opportunity to test their products with their target groups and to adjust them – where needed – to the market’s needs.

The start-ups selected for the programme will be presented on 10 and 11 November at the Online SURF Education Days. For a period lasting ten weeks, they will benefit from training by coaches from Yes! Delft as well as receiving support from mentors and entrepreneurs in the sector. Partners of the EdTech Validation Lab 2020 are Wageningen University & Research, Leiden University, Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Inholland University of Applied Sciences, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and TU Delft.

Meet the EdTech startups

In this video, you can watch the start-ups introduce themselves, discover who they are, and what problem they want to solve.

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