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If, in four years’ time, lecturers, supervisors, educationalists and managers naturally use data in their work, because they know where to pose their questions, because

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Working for students.

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In 4 years’ time, I want to achieve that the majority of Codarts students participate in technology enhanced learning. In addition, I wish that EduID

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Despite the growing amount of educational resources that we all produce and ‘throw on the internet’, we are still unable to offer good infrastructure and

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My ideal is for educational institutions to organise the processes of the organisation in a student-driven way. The educational process between students and lecturers must

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The biggest challenge in my zone is the hype around the subject.

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The challenge is to prepare students today for a future that is already changing tomorrow. This is only possible if we map out social changes

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It is great fun to contribute to activating and flexible education with digital (open) educational resources. A diversity of educational resources is already enriching our

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Higher education is moving, and how! We see more and more open and adaptive learning environments, in which the boundaries between inside and outside are

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