
Towards digital (open) educational resources

The Digital (Open) Educational Resources Zone focused on using the possibilities that digital educational resources can offer higher education to the fullest extent possible. Education benefits when teachers and students can easily tap into the increasingly rich range of digital educational resources – regardless of where the materials come from and whether they can be used commercially or openly – to put together and deploy the best possible mix in the classroom. A wider range of easily accessible educational resources can result in a better match with the vision of institutions and lecturers on education. More use of open educational resources lowers the costs for students. The use of digital educational resources is also essential for online education.

It is important that educational resources are in line with the educational vision of the lecturer and the institution, but also aligned with the needs of students. To achieve an optimal mix of educational resources, users must be able to easily find, assess and select digital educational resources, makes changes to them if necessary, and use them. What’s more, it is important that users can easily make their educational resources available to others to increase and enrich the range of open digital educational resources available. 

Want to know more about learning resources? Check out the Open Education community page (Dutch only).

The Educational Resources zone was led by Robert Schuwer.

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Would you like more information about what digital educational resources actually are? Then watch the animation below.

In this you will hear everything about open, semi-open and closed learning materials within three minutes. Copyright and its use are also discussed.

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