Want to get started with innovation within your institution? The Evidence-informed educational innovation with ICT zone and the Digital education in practical skills working group
Want to get started with innovation within your institution? The Evidence-informed educational innovation with ICT zone and the Digital education in practical skills working group
Are you interested in digital education of practical skills or the research on this topic? Then we invite you to sign up for the community
Digitising practical education is a big challenge. Nevertheless, I believe that it must succeed through cooperation.
Innovation in digital education is becoming increasingly important. By contributing to the Digital education of practical skills working group, I hope to gain and share
Good online teaching of practical skills: what’s involved? What is involved in the online teaching and learning of practical skills? What is already happening in
Practical skills online: more is possible than you think, but less than you would like. That currently sums up the status of online education in
As a connector of the Online Education in Practical Skills working group, I want to bring people together to exchange knowledge about this subject, to